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Identity Crisis...

Writer's picture: CarinCarin


Who’s there?


Me who?

Oh, having an identity crisis, are you?

Ok, I know that is kind of silly, but… Do you ever have those days where you just don’t know who you are… your identity is under attack?

I do!

Being bombarded by the lies of the enemy… he wants us to feel worthless.

In your heart, you know you are God’s precious daughter… while in your mind, things rattling around in there can make you feel useless.

You are God’s, and He doesn’t want for you to go through an identity crisis… you are His Treasure.

… out of all the peoples on the face of the earth, the Lord has chosen you to be His treasured possession. Deuteronomy 14:2b

I have one-sided conversations with the Lord quite often, especially when He is calling me to do something new or out of my “box”! My own personal identity crisis! “Lord, who am I that I should share Your Word with others?” “Who am I to think that anyone would even listen to me?” “I am not smart enough!” “I am not good enough!” “I am such a flawed mess!”

It doesn’t take too long before I am reminded that Father God is the only one to appraise my true value and worth. And I guess that is what I am here to do for you today too… just think about Him sending His Son to die on the cross for you… doesn’t that already prove how much you are worth to Him?

At this very minute join me to embrace who we are – God’s treasured possession… His crown jewel… chosen one of the King. Our Heavenly Father is the only One who can identify each of us!

Imagine how highly He thinks of you…

… you are loved and accepted by Him for who you are.

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! ~ Psalms 139:17

… you are His precious jewel. Don’t settle for anything less than that… see yourself through the loving eyes of your Creator. What or who is holding you back from you full potential???

I pray you will never let anyone tell you who you are, accept for your Heavenly Father, He is the One that knows exactly who you are because He created you.

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. ~ 1 Peter 2:9

Praise His holy name because He has made you the wonderful woman you are… maybe not perfect on earth, but perfect in His eyes because of Christ.

Love yourself for who you are now, but love yourself enough to keep growing in the Lord… giving Him all the glory.

He is right there with you ready to lead you from glory to glory… grab hold of His hand and don’t be afraid... He only wants the best for His best… let His light shine through you, my dear sisters.

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:11

We all need to be encouraged… some days more than others! Do you have a word of encouragement for someone today? Leave a comment here to share an encouraging word or how you have been encouraged!

In His Grace, Carin

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1 Comment

Maree Dee
Maree Dee
May 16, 2018

I love the way you write. Yes, I too have been there when he asks me to do something out of the box.


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