I open my eyes while still lying in my comfy bed… my first thought is of Jesus and how thankful I am for Him! My life is far from perfect, BUT… I know my faith in Christ is the big thing that is getting me through the many small things in my life!
I am not perfect, BUT… PERFECT (Christ) lives inside me!
It has been a very bumpy week! An emotional rollercoaster… once again! Clinging to Him is the only anchor I have! How do people do it all without Christ???
My heart feels broken so many times, but I know broken isn’t always bad! Broken can sometimes mean there are things that need to be broken off so God can rebuild it in the way He knows it should be! Not easy!!!! Surrender to me is never easy! I’m sure it’s my fleshy pride getting in the way!
Pride will break you… one way or another!
Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said [a]to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.” ~ Revelation 21:5
Fleshy pride will break my relationship with people I love and care about, but also break my relationship with the Lord… not on His part, cuz He will never leave me BUT… the way I relate to Him.
On the other hand, surrendering my fleshy pride to Him and letting the Lord break it off of me… one moment at a time… He is the Pride Breaker!
Maybe I took too much pride in the B&B in Ludington??? I tried to have everything better than good enough! Did it become an idol to me??? I sit here at our kitchen table in a house I would have never really chosen. Once again, I am reminded of what God spoke to my heart a few months ago as I struggled with where we are living… He said, “The home I provided for you in Ludington was your dream home, BUT… the home I have provided for you now is your home of my faithfulness.”
That was a big surrender moment for me! Why do we fight against what He knows is best for us??? Maybe you don’t, BUT… I sure do too many times!
He is oh so faithful! If I get my fleshy desires out of the way to see… to really see Him… I can see the beautiful fireplace and mantel He gave me in this home… nothing better for someone that loves to decorate, or what about the wonderful, spacious craft loft He provided… just right Lord! Thank-You!
Take a moment to just sit quietly, look around you. What do you see that reminds you of how much Father God loves you… even in the small things? It’s there, just keep looking!
As tears run down my face… my heart is broken and humbled in a good way! He loves me so much… it shows even in these small things! Small things to some, but not small between Him and me!
I guess I share all of this with you to maybe help you see beyond the moment!
Circumstances truly do not have anything to do with God’s love for you!
I know that if God never does one more thing for me in this life except salvation through the sacrifice of His Son… that is all I really need! Everything else is just a bonus of His love... even in the small things!
In His Grace, carin