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  • Writer's pictureCarin

Chasing JOY

I’m participating in the “Defiant Joy” Bible study by Candace Payne, a/k/a Chewbacca Mom. I think I am a pretty JOYful person, but I could always stand to learn more ways to exercise negative words, thoughts and actions from my life. How about you?

I get there are terrible things going on in the world… I am not totally oblivious, even though I don’t really watch the news! People are hurting, not only in the world, but people I am close to.

So my question to myself is, “How do I stay in JOY and not let the burdens of the world burden me out of my JOY???”

Here is one thing I do know… circumstances and problems are temporary not eternal! Oh… ouch! I know that when you are going through “stuff” it doesn’t feel so temporary! Does it?

As a follower of Christ, those trying times of life are the times we need the Lord’s strength more than ever… like it says in the Book of Nehemiah:

Then he said to them, “Go your way. Eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions to anyone who has nothing ready, for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” ~ Nehemiah 8:10

The other morning the Holy Spirit shook me awake… pondering this question: “Why is my first thought to get all panicked and upset, when something rattles me…mostly over stupid stuff???" What is in my heart that makes a not so JOYful noise pour out of my mouth first thing!? It was definitely a come to Jesus moment for me! :)

A few weeks ago my hubby needed to make a call about a problem we had with a charge on our credit card, he said to me that he wished I could make the call because I am so quick with my words. Oh, even though I know he didn't mean it in a hurtful way... it was still a little ouchy! Can you say, "backhanded compliment"?

Rarely are the words of a quick-witted person words of love. My words are a reflection of my heart! Do my words express the beauty and JOY in my heart or the ugliness and worry???

…For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. ~ Matthew 12:34b

Here is what I am seeing… it’s in those hurtful, sad, or overwhelming times when we feel the most vulnerable and weak… those are especially when we need to rely on the Lord’s strength for our JOY.

The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust Him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving. ~ Psalms 28:7

And you know, it is not a financial problem or a job-related issue or a family tragedy… it is a heart problem! It is a vision problem… keeping your eyes focused on Jesus!

Go to the Lord in prayer and leave it there!

Yes, the Lord’s strength is always with us… good times or not so good times… you will find JOY in His strength!

In His Grace,



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